/** * @namespace wizard tracer builder */ t.wizard = (function() { var /*tracer,*/ preview, previewShort, previewLong, productRatio, currentImage = 0, current = 0, opacity = 0, flipSpeed = 2000, fadeSpeed = 3000, fading = "backward", recursive = false, frames = 0, scale = 1, tabsInit = false; var init = function(tracerType) { previewShort = product_var.actionWindowShort * 1; previewLong = product_var.actionWindowLong * 1; productRatio = product_var.actionWindowLong / product_var.actionWindowShort; jQuery("#steps li.first").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#picture0').imgAreaSelect( {remove : true} ); jQuery('#chooseEffect').show(); jQuery('#tracerContainer').hide(); }); jQuery("#steps li.edit").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#chooseEffect').hide(); jQuery('#tracerContainer').show(); jQuery('#imageSelector').show(); jQuery('.pictureTools').show(); jQuery('#checkout_main').hide(); if ( tracer.effect == 'ZOOM' ) { clearInterval(animation); jQuery('#previewImg1').remove(); jQuery('#dvView').show(); } else { jQuery('#picture0 .thumb').crossSlideStop(); jQuery('#picture0 .thumb').html('
'); selectImage(0); } }); jQuery("#steps li.preview").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!tracer.validate()) { showTab("FLIP2"); return; } jQuery('#chooseEffect').hide(); jQuery('#imageSelector').hide(); jQuery('.pictureTools').hide(); jQuery('#checkout_main').show(); jQuery('#steps li').removeClass('current'); jQuery('li.first').addClass('complete'); jQuery('li.edit').addClass('complete'); jQuery('li.preview').addClass('current'); jQuery('#picture0').imgAreaSelect( {remove : true} ); jQuery('#picture0').css("overflow","hidden"); JQueryPreview(tracer, "preview"); }); jQuery("#addToCart form").submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( jQuery('#terms_conditions').is(':checked') === false) { alert('Please agree to the Terms of Service'); return; } var parsedint = parseInt(jQuery("#quantity").val()); if (parsedint < 1) { alert('Please choose a quantity greater than 0'); return; } jQuery("#btnAddToCart").click(function(e) {e.preventDefault();}); jQuery('#submit_data').val(JSON.stringify(tracer.getPictureData())); jQuery('#form_Item_Id').val(tracer.owner); jQuery('#form_Effect').val(tracer.getEffectID()); //jQuery('#add_to_cart input:submit').click(); // ******* Need to add a confirmation that the add to cart worked. jQuery('#steps .current').hide(); jQuery('#steps .complete').hide(); jQuery('#btnAddToCart').val('Please Wait...Adding Item to the Cart'); jQuery.post(root + '/?showtemplate=false', jQuery('#addToCart form').serialize(), function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { jQuery('#btnAddToCart').hide(); jQuery('#preview').hide(); if ( typeof jQuery('#confirmation')[0] === "undefined" && (product_var.id == "663" || product_var.id == "739" || product_var.id == "740" || product_var.id == "743" || product_var.id == "744") ) { window.location = root+ '/iphone-shipping-information'; } else { jQuery('#confirmation').show(); jQuery('#checkout_main').hide(); jQuery('#builder').hide(); return; } }); }); jQuery('#slider').mouseup(function(e) { var zoomPosition = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft - this.offsetParent.offsetLeft; resizeImage(zoomPosition); }); // new tracer var d = new Date; tracer = new Tracer("t" + d.getTime()); tracer.previewShort = previewShort; tracer.previewLong = previewLong; scale = previewLong / 200; // set orientation if (tracer.orientation == '') { if (product_var.orientation == "Landscape" || product_var.orientation == "Both" || product_var.orientation == "Both-L") { setOrientation("landscape"); } else { setOrientation("portrait"); } } // tabs jQuery("#effectSelect select").change( function(e){ e.preventDefault(); jQuery("#chooseEffect").hide(); jQuery('#tracerContainer').show(); jQuery('#steps li').removeClass('current'); jQuery('#steps li.first').addClass('complete'); jQuery('li.edit').addClass('current'); jQuery('.effectName').html(jQuery(this).find("option:selected").text()); showTab(jQuery(this).val()); }); jQuery("#toolTabs a").click( function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (jQuery(this).attr("id") == 'imagesTab' ) { jQuery('#picture0 .thumb').crossSlideStop(); jQuery('#picture0 .thumb').html(''); jQuery('#tabs').show(); showTab(tracer.type); } else { showTool(jQuery(this).attr("id")); } }); }; var pictureAdd = function(photo, index) { if( typeof(photo) === "undefined" ) return; var newPicture = { 'file': { 'path': root+gallery[photo].filepath }, 'thumbnail': { 'path': root+gallery[photo].thumbpath }, 'preview': { 'path': root+gallery[photo].prevpath }, 'selection': {}, 'height': gallery[photo].fileproperties[1], 'width': gallery[photo].fileproperties[0], 'name': gallery[photo].filename, 'orientation': gallery[photo].fileproperties[1] / gallery[photo].fileproperties[0] < 1 ? 'landscape' : gallery[photo].fileproperties[1] / gallery[photo].fileproperties[0] > 1 ? 'portrait' : 'square', 'scaleToFit': true }; // validate if (!pictureValidate(newPicture)) { return false; } // add tracer.pictureAdd(newPicture, index); pictureSetup(index); // set view thumbView(index); selectImage(index); // show swap options if (tracer.pictureExists(0) && tracer.pictureExists(1)) { jQuery("#change1 a").show(); } if (tracer.pictureExists(1) &&tracer.pictureExists(2)) { jQuery("#change2 a").show(); } return true; }; var pictureValidate = function(newPicture, index) { var minWidth = width / product_var.scale; var minHeight = height / product_var.scale; var imageText = 'Your Image'; var validated = true; if( typeof(index) !== 'undefined' ) { imageText = 'Image '+ (1*index +1); } if( newPicture.width < minWidth && newPicture.height < minHeight) { alert( imageText+" doesn't meet the minium height and width for this product ("+minWidth.toFixed(0)+"px X "+minHeight.toFixed(0)+"px)"); validated = false; } else if( newPicture.width < minWidth ) { alert( imageText+" doesn't meet the minium width for this product ("+minWidth.toFixed(0)+")"); validated = false; } else if( newPicture.height < minHeight ) { alert( imageText+" doesn't meet the minium height for this product ("+minHeight.toFixed(0)+")"); validated = false; } if( !validated && typeof(index) !== 'undefined' ) { pictureRemove(index); } return validated; } var pictureDraggable = function(selector, index) { jQuery(selector).draggable({ containment: "parent", stop: function(event, ui) { tracer.pictures[index].thumbnail.offsetX = ui.position.left; tracer.pictures[index].thumbnail.offsetY = ui.position.top; } }); }; var pictureRemove = function(index) { // remove from the view jQuery("img", "#picture0").attr("src",""); jQuery(".thumb", "#picture0").attr('style', ''); jQuery("img", "#selectImage" + index).attr("src",""); tracer.pictureRemove(index); }; var pictureSwap = function(picture) { // **** Needs to be cleaned up, replace with a new tracer.display() function var i = 1, temp = [], newOrder = []; var swapIndex = 0, isSwaped = false, pictureLength = tracer.pictures.length; // swap 0 & 1 if (picture == 0) { if (pictureLength != 3) { newOrder = [1, 0]; } else { newOrder = [1, 0, 2]; } } // swap 1 & 2 else if (picture == 1) { newOrder = [0, 2, 1]; /* if (tracer.pictureExists(0) && tracer.pictureExists(1) && tracer.pictureExists(2)) { newOrder = [0, 2, 1]; } else if (jQuery("img", "#picture1").length > 0 && jQuery("img", "#picture2").length > 0) { newOrder = [1, 0]; swapIndex = 1; isSwaped = true; pictureLength = pictureLength + 1; } else { newOrder = [1, 0, 2]; } */ } // set tracer order tracer.setOrder(newOrder); thumbView(picture); thumbView(picture + 1); selectImage(jQuery('.selectedImage').attr('rel')); }; var tracerPreview = function() { // validate tracer if (!tracer.validate()) { alert(tracer.type + ' requires ' + tracer.picturesRequired + ' pictures to build a preview'); return } }; var tracerEdit = function() { // show editor jQuery(".tab_contents").hide(); jQuery(".tabs").show(); jQuery("#tracerContainer").show(); }; var replaceImage = function(index) { /* jQuery("#tracerContainer").append(""); jQuery("#cloud").click(function(){closeLibrary();}); jQuery("#library").show().css("position","absolute"); jQuery(".photo").click(function(){pictureAdd(this.id,index);closeLibrary();}); */ } var resizeImage = function(zoomPosition) { if( jQuery('.imgareaselect-selection').length != 0 ) { var picture = tracer.pictures["picture0"]; var zoomImage = jQuery('#picture0').imgAreaSelect({ instance : true }); var oldZoom = zoomImage.getSelection(true); var maxZoom = (( product_var.scale * picture.height ) / picture.preview.height) * 2; if( maxZoom > 4 ) { maxZoom = 4; } var newZoom = (4 / 3); var availableZoom = maxZoom - newZoom; if( zoomPosition > 20 && zoomPosition < 121 ) { newZoom = newZoom + ( availableZoom * (( 100 - (zoomPosition - 20) ) / 100) ); } else if ( zoomPosition > 120 ) { zoomPosition = 120; } else { newZoom = maxZoom; zoomPosition = 20; } var newHeight = height / newZoom; var newWidth = width / newZoom; var centerX = oldZoom.x1 + (oldZoom.width / 2); var centerY = oldZoom.y1 + (oldZoom.height / 2); var newX1 = centerX - (newWidth / 2); var newY1 = centerY - (newHeight / 2); if( newX1 < 0 ) { newX1 = 0; } else if( newX1 + newWidth > width ) { newX1 = width - newWidth; } if( newY1 < 0 ) { newY1 = 0; } else if( newY1 + newHeight > height ) { newY1 = height - newHeight; } var newX2 = newX1 + newWidth; var newY2 = newY1 + newHeight; zoomImage.setSelection(newX1, newY1, newX2, newY2); zoomImage.update(); jQuery('#slider span').css('left', zoomPosition); zoomTo(jQuery("#imgWrapper"), {'x1': newX1,'x2':newX2,'y1':newY1,'y2':newY2,'width':newWidth,'height':newHeight}); }else { var draggableFrame = jQuery('#picture0').find('.thumb'); var picture = tracer.pictures["picture" + jQuery('.selectedImage').attr('rel')]; var maxHeight = product_var.scale * picture.height; var newHeight, newWidth; if( tracer.pictures["picture" + jQuery('.selectedImage').attr('rel')].preview.primaryDirection == 'width' ) { newWidth = width; newHeight = width / picture.preview.ratio; } else { newHeight = height; newWidth = height * picture.preview.ratio; } var availableZoom = maxHeight - newHeight; if( zoomPosition > 20 && zoomPosition < 121 ) { newHeight = newHeight + ( availableZoom * (( zoomPosition - 20 ) / 100) ); newWidth = newHeight * picture.preview.ratio; } else if ( zoomPosition > 120 ) { newHeight = maxHeight; newWidth = newHeight * picture.preview.ratio; zoomPosition = 120; } else { zoomPosition = 20; } jQuery('#imgWrapper').css('width', newWidth).css('height', newHeight); saveZoom( { 'width': newWidth, 'height': newHeight }, zoomPosition ); } } var closeLibrary = function(index) { jQuery("#cloud").remove(); jQuery("#library").hide().css("position","relative"); jQuery(".photo").unbind("click"); } var selectImage = function(index) { jQuery("#replaceImage").attr("rel", index); if (!tracer.pictures["picture" + index]) { handleUpload(index); return; } var picture = jQuery('#picture0'); var newPicture = tracer.pictures["picture" + index]; jQuery(".picture").hide(); jQuery("#selectEffect").hide(); jQuery("#nextImage").attr("rel", (index*1)+1).unbind("click"); jQuery("#nextImage").bind("click", function(){ selectImage(jQuery(this).attr("rel") ); }); jQuery("#prevImage").attr("rel", index-1); jQuery(".selectImageBox").removeClass("selectedImage"); jQuery(".selectImageBox").unbind("click"); jQuery(".selectImageBox").bind("click", function(){ selectImage(jQuery(this).attr("rel") ); }); jQuery("#selectImage"+index).addClass("selectedImage"); jQuery("#selectImage"+index).bind("click", function(){ handleUpload( index ); }); jQuery('#picture0').imgAreaSelect( {remove : true} ); if( jQuery('#imgWrapper').data('uiDraggable') ) jQuery('#imgWrapper').draggable( 'destroy' ); if( jQuery('#imgWrapper').data('uiResizable') ) jQuery('#imgWrapper').resizable( 'destroy' ); picture.show().css("overflow","visible"); if (tracer.orientation === 'landscape') { imgRatio = newPicture.width / newPicture.height; width = previewLong; height = previewShort; } else { imgRatio = newPicture.height / newPicture.width; width = previewShort; height = previewLong; } offsetWidth = newPicture.preview.offsetWidth; offsetHeight = newPicture.preview.offsetHeight; offsetX = newPicture.preview.offsetX * newPicture.preview.width; offsetY = newPicture.preview.offsetY * newPicture.preview.height; imgStyle = ' width:' + newPicture.preview.width + 'px;' + 'height:' + newPicture.preview.height + 'px;' + 'top:'+ Math.floor(offsetY)+'px;' + 'left:'+ Math.floor(offsetX)+'px;'; picture.find('.thumb').css({ 'width': width + offsetWidth * 2, 'height': height + offsetHeight * 2, 'left': -1 * offsetWidth, 'top': -1 * offsetHeight }); picture.find("img").attr("src",newPicture.preview.path); jQuery('#imgWrapper').attr("style", imgStyle); jQuery('#imgWrapper').draggable({ containment:"parent", stop:function(event,ui){ verifyPosition(ui.position, index); } }).resizable({ aspectRatio: true, maxHeight: product_var. scale*newPicture.height, minHeight: height, minWidth: width, handles: "all", stop:function(event,ui){ var availableZoom = (product_var. scale*newPicture.height) - height; var zoomPosition = (( (ui.size.height - height) / availableZoom ) * 100) + 10; saveZoom(ui.size, zoomPosition); } }); jQuery('.ui-resizable-handle').css('z-index',1001).addClass('iePassThrough'); if( index == (tracer.picturesRequired - 1) && tracer.effect != "ZOOM" ) { jQuery("#nextImage").hide(); jQuery("#prevImage").show(); jQuery("#btnPreview").show(); } else if( index == 0 ) { if(tracer.effect == "ZOOM") { jQuery("#nextImage").unbind("click"); jQuery("#nextImage").html("Next").bind("click", function(e){ activateZoom(e); }); jQuery("#selectImage1 img").attr("src", root+"/uploads/images/2013/blank.gif").attr("style",""); jQuery("#selectImage1").unbind("click"); jQuery("#selectImage1").bind("click", function(e){ activateZoom(e); }); } jQuery("#nextImage").show(); jQuery("#prevImage").hide(); jQuery("#btnPreview").hide(); } else { jQuery("#nextImage").show(); jQuery("#prevImage").show(); jQuery("#btnPreview").hide(); } }; var saveZoom = function( size, zoomPosition ) { var index = jQuery('.selectedImage').attr('rel'); var draggableFrame = jQuery('#picture0').find('.thumb'); var newPicture = tracer.pictures["picture" + index]; var img = jQuery("#imgWrapper"); newPicture.preview.offsetWidth = (size.width - width); newPicture.preview.offsetHeight = (size.height - height); newPicture.preview.percentWidth = Math.abs(width / size.width); newPicture.preview.percentHeight = Math.abs(height / size.height); newPicture.preview.width = size.width; newPicture.preview.height = size.height; oldLeft = draggableFrame.css('left').slice(0,-2)*1; newLeft = -1 * (size.width - width); oldTop = draggableFrame.css('top').slice(0,-2)*1; newTop = -1 * (size.height - height); draggableFrame.css({ 'width': width + (size.width - width) * 2, 'height': height + (size.height - height) * 2, 'left': newLeft, 'top': newTop }); imgLeft = img.css('left').slice(0,-2)*1 + (oldLeft - newLeft); imgTop = img.css('top').slice(0,-2)*1 + (oldTop - newTop); jQuery('#slider span').css('left', zoomPosition); verifyPosition({'left':imgLeft,'top':imgTop}); } var verifyPosition = function( position ) { var border = jQuery("#picture0 .thumb"); var img = jQuery("#imgWrapper"); var index = jQuery('.selectedImage').attr('rel'); var maxLeft = border.width() - img.width(); var maxTop = border.height() - img.height(); if( position.left < 0 ) position.left = 0; if( position.left > maxLeft ) position.left = maxLeft; if( position.top < 0 ) position.top = 0; if( position.top > maxTop ) position.top = maxTop; img.css('left', position.left); img.css('top', position.top); jQuery("#selectImage"+index+" img").css({ width: Math.round( img.width() / scale ), left: -1 * Math.round( (maxLeft - position.left) / scale ) , top: -1 * Math.round( (maxTop - position.top) / scale ) }); tracer.setOffset(img[0], index); } var moveImage = function( direction ) { if( jQuery('.imgareaselect-selection').length != 0 ) { var zoomImage = jQuery('#picture0').imgAreaSelect({ instance : true }); var oldZoom = zoomImage.getSelection(true); var newZoom = {'x1': oldZoom.x1,'x2':oldZoom.x2,'y1':oldZoom.y1,'y2':oldZoom.y2,'width':oldZoom.width,'height':oldZoom.height}; var increment = 2; switch( direction ) { case 'center': newZoom.x1 = (width / 2) - (oldZoom.width / 2); newZoom.y1 = (height / 2) - (oldZoom.height / 2); break; case '1left': newZoom.x1 = newZoom.x1 - increment; break; case '1right': newZoom.x1 = newZoom.x1 + increment; break; case '1up': newZoom.y1 = newZoom.y1 - increment; break; case '1down': newZoom.y1 = newZoom.y1 + increment; } if( newZoom.x1 < 0 ) { newZoom.x1 = 0; } else if( newZoom.x1 + oldZoom.width > width ) { newZoom.x1 = width - oldZoom.width; } if( newZoom.y1 < 0 ) { newZoom.y1 = 0; } else if( newZoom.y1 + oldZoom.height > height ) { newZoom.y1 = height - oldZoom.height; } newZoom.x2 = newZoom.x1 + oldZoom.width; newZoom.y2 = newZoom.y1 + oldZoom.height; zoomImage.setSelection(newZoom.x1, newZoom.y1, newZoom.x2, newZoom.y2); zoomImage.update(); zoomTo(jQuery("#imgWrapper"), newZoom); } else { var border = jQuery("#picture0 .thumb"); var img = jQuery("#imgWrapper"); var increment = 5; var position = {'left':img.css('left').slice(0,-2)*1 ,'top':img.css('top').slice(0,-2)*1} switch( direction ) { case 'center': position.left = (border.width() - img.width()) / 2; position.top = (border.height() - img.height()) / 2; break; case '1left': position.left = position.left - increment; break; case '1right': position.left = position.left + increment; break; case '1up': position.top = position.top - increment; break; case '1down': position.top = position.top + increment; } verifyPosition( position ); } } var setOrientation = function( orientation ) { if( orientation == 'flip' ) { orientation = (tracer.orientation == 'portrait') ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'; } if ( orientation == "landscape" ) { jQuery('.imageBox').css({'width':'200px','height':previewShort / ( previewLong / 200 )+'px'}); jQuery('.selectImageBox').width('200'); width = previewLong; height = previewShort; } else { jQuery('.imageBox').css({'width': previewShort / ( previewLong / 200 )+'px','height':'200px'}); jQuery('.selectImageBox').width(previewShort / ( previewLong / 200 )); width = previewShort; height = previewLong; } // set tracer orientation tracer.setOrientation(orientation); for( var index = 0; index < tracer.picturesRequired; index++) { pictureSetup(index); } // update travcer view jQuery("#tracerContainer").removeClass('landscape').removeClass('portrait'); jQuery("#tracerContainer").addClass(orientation); if( typeof(tracer.effect) !== "undefined" ) showTab(tracer.effect); }; var pictureSetup = function(index) { if (!tracer.pictures["picture" + index]) { return true; } var newPicture = tracer.pictures["picture" + index]; if (tracer.orientation === 'landscape') { imgRatio = newPicture.width / newPicture.height; } else { imgRatio = newPicture.height / newPicture.width; } if( !pictureValidate(newPicture, index) ) {return false;} if ( (productRatio > imgRatio && tracer.orientation === 'landscape') || (productRatio < imgRatio && tracer.orientation === 'portrait') ) { thumbWidth = width; thumbHeight = Math.floor(newPicture.height / (newPicture.width / width)); // offset image offsetWidth = 0; offsetHeight = thumbHeight - height; percentWidth = 1; percentHeight = height / thumbHeight; imgStyle = ' width:' + thumbWidth + 'px;left:0;top:'+ Math.floor(offsetHeight / 2)+'px'; newPicture.preview.primaryDirection = 'width'; } else { thumbWidth = Math.floor(newPicture.width / (newPicture.height / height)); thumbHeight = height; // offset image offsetWidth = thumbWidth - width; offsetHeight = 0; percentWidth = width / thumbWidth; percentHeight = 1; imgStyle = ' height:' + thumbHeight + 'px;top:0;left:'+ Math.floor(offsetWidth / 2)+'px'; newPicture.preview.primaryDirection = 'height'; } // set tracer cropX and cropY newPicture.preview.offsetX = Math.abs(offsetWidth / thumbWidth / 2 ); newPicture.preview.offsetY = Math.abs(offsetHeight / thumbHeight / 2 ); newPicture.preview.ratio = newPicture.width / newPicture.height; newPicture.preview.imgRatio = imgRatio; newPicture.preview.width = thumbWidth; newPicture.preview.height = thumbHeight; newPicture.preview.offsetWidth = offsetWidth; newPicture.preview.offsetHeight = offsetHeight; newPicture.preview.percentWidth = Math.abs(percentWidth); newPicture.preview.percentHeight = Math.abs(percentHeight); } var activateZoom = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery("#nextImage").hide(); jQuery("#prevImage").show(); jQuery("#btnPreview").show(); jQuery("#selectImage1").unbind("click"); jQuery("#prevImage").attr("rel", 0); jQuery(".selectImageBox").removeClass("selectedImage"); jQuery(".selectImageBox").unbind("click"); jQuery("#selectImage0").bind("click", function(){ selectImage(jQuery(this).attr("rel") ); }); jQuery("#selectImage1").addClass("selectedImage").bind("click", function(){ activateZoom() ; }); var zoomX1 = width / 4; var zoomY1 = height / 4; var zoomX2 = zoomX1 + width / 2; var zoomY2 = zoomY1 + height / 2; // show preview var picture = jQuery("#picture0").show().css("overflow","hidden"); var newPicture = tracer.pictures["picture0"]; var minZoom = (4 / 3); var maxZoom = (( product_var.scale * newPicture.height ) / newPicture.preview.height) * 2; if( maxZoom > 4 ) { maxZoom = 4; } // set zoomee if( jQuery('#imgWrapper').data('uiDraggable') ) jQuery('#imgWrapper').draggable( 'destroy' ); if( jQuery('#imgWrapper').data('uiResizable') ) jQuery('#imgWrapper').resizable( 'destroy' ); jQuery("#selectImage1 img").attr('src', newPicture.preview.path); // make a new zoomer jQuery('#picture0').imgAreaSelect({ handles: true, aspectRatio: width + ':' + height, x1: zoomX1, y1: zoomY1, x2: zoomX2, y2: zoomY2, maxHeight: height / minZoom, maxWidth: width / minZoom, minHeight: height / maxZoom, minWidth: width / maxZoom, onSelectEnd: function(img, selection) { zoomTo(img, selection); }, onInit: function(img, selection) { zoomTo(img, selection); }, onSelectChange: function(img, selection) { zoomTo(img, selection); } }); jQuery('.imgareaselect-selection').parent().css('z-index', 20); } var showTab = function(effect) { //showTool("imagesTab"); if( effect == "" || effect === undefined ) { effect = jQuery('#effectSelect select').val(); } // Destroy old objects and create new ones -- ajprog if( jQuery(".wizard .view").data('uiDroppable') ) jQuery(".wizard .view").droppable( "destroy" ); if( jQuery(".photo").data('uiDraggable') ) jQuery(".photo").draggable( "destroy" ); jQuery(".wizard .view").droppable({ hoverClass : "drophover", accept : ".photo", fit : "pointer", drop : function (event, ui) { pictureAdd(ui.draggable.context.id, jQuery(this).attr("rel") ); } }); jQuery(".photo").draggable({ containment : "#tracerContainer", appendTo : "#tracerContainer", helper : "clone", revert : "true" }); tracer.setType( effect ); jQuery('#picture0').imgAreaSelect( {remove : true} ); jQuery("#selectImage1 .selectTitle").html("Image 2"); jQuery("#nextImage").html("Next"); // remove settings from other tracer types draggable jQuery(".selectImageBox").hide(); if (tracer.type == "ZOOM") { pictureRemove(1); pictureRemove(2); if ( tracer.pictureExists(0) == false ){ handleUpload(0); } jQuery("#selectImage0").show(); jQuery("#selectImage1").show(); jQuery("#selectImage1 .selectTitle").html("Zoomed Image"); thumbView(0); } else if (tracer.picturesRequired == 2 ) { pictureRemove(2); if ( tracer.pictureExists(0) == false ){ handleUpload(0); } jQuery("#selectImage0").show(); thumbView(0); /* if (tracer.pictureExists(1) == false && Object.keys(gallery)[1] != undefined) { pictureAdd(Object.keys(gallery)[1],1); } */ jQuery("#selectImage1").show(); thumbView(1); } else { if ( tracer.pictureExists(0) == false ){ handleUpload(0); } jQuery("#selectImage0").show(); thumbView(0); jQuery("#selectImage1").show(); thumbView(1); jQuery("#selectImage2").show(); thumbView(2); } if (tracer.pictureExists(0) != false) { selectImage(0); } jQuery(".change a").hide(); if (tracer.pictureExists(0) && tracer.pictureExists(1)) { jQuery("#change1 a").show(); } if (tracer.pictureExists(1) && tracer.pictureExists(2)) { jQuery("#change2 a").show(); } }; var showTool = function(tab) { jQuery(".toolContents").hide(); jQuery("#toolTabs li").removeClass("selected"); jQuery("#"+tab).closest("li").addClass("selected"); jQuery(jQuery("#"+tab).attr("href")).show(); switch(tab) { case "uploadTab": jQuery(".builder").hide(); jQuery(".upload_images").show() break; case "imagesTab": jQuery(".upload_images").hide() jQuery(".builder").show(); break; case "productTab": if (!tracer.validate()) { showTab("FLIP2"); } jQuery("#tabs").hide(); jQuery('#picture0').imgAreaSelect( {remove : true} ); JQueryPreview(tracer, "preview"); break; } } var thumbView = function(index) { if (!tracer.pictures["picture" + index]) { return true; } var newPicture = tracer.pictures["picture" + index]; jQuery("#selectImage"+index+" img").attr("src", newPicture.thumbnail.path); jQuery("#selectImage"+index+" img").css({ width: Math.round( newPicture.preview.width / scale ), left: -Math.round( (( (1 - (newPicture.preview.offsetX + newPicture.preview.percentWidth)) * newPicture.preview.width) / scale) ) , top: -Math.round( (( (1 - (newPicture.preview.offsetY + newPicture.preview.percentHeight)) * newPicture.preview.height) / scale) ) }); }; var zoomTo = function(img, selection) { if (!selection.width || !selection.height) return; tracer.pictures['picture0'].selection = selection; var zoomScale = jQuery(".imageBox").css("width").replace("px", "") / selection.width; var thumbTop = jQuery("#picture0 .view .thumb").css("top").replace("-", "").replace("px", ""); var imageTop = jQuery("#imgWrapper").css("top").replace("-", "").replace("px", ""); var thumbLeft = jQuery("#picture0 .view .thumb").css("left").replace("-", "").replace("px", ""); var imageLeft = jQuery("#imgWrapper").css("left").replace("-", "").replace("px", ""); thumbTop = parseInt(thumbTop); imageTop = parseInt(imageTop); thumbLeft = parseInt(thumbLeft); imageLeft = parseInt(imageLeft); jQuery('#selectImage1 img').css({ width: Math.round(zoomScale * jQuery("#imgWrapper").width()), left: -Math.round(zoomScale * (selection.x1 + (thumbLeft - imageLeft)) ), top: -Math.round(zoomScale * (selection.y1 + (thumbTop - imageTop)) ) }); }; return { "init": init, "moveImage": moveImage, "pictureAdd": pictureAdd, "pictureSwap": pictureSwap, "pictureRemove": pictureRemove, "tracerPreview": tracerPreview, "tracerEdit": tracerEdit, "setOrientation": setOrientation, "selectImage": selectImage, "activateZoom": activateZoom, "replaceImage": replaceImage, "resizeImage": resizeImage } } ()); /** * @namespace wizard tracer builder */ /* This method is used to flip image START*/ function GetImageSize(url) { var ImageSize = new Object(); var $tempImg = jQuery(''); $tempImg.attr('src', url); ImageSize.height = $tempImg.attr('height'); ImageSize.width = $tempImg.attr('width'); return ImageSize; } function JQueryPreview(tracer, prefix) { var $DivImgPreview; /* jQuery('#DivFrontPage').css('height', '383').css('width', '350').css('float', 'left'); if ( tracer.preview_image2 != undefined && tracer.preview_image2 != '' ) { jQuery('#DivInsidePage').css('height', '383'); jQuery('#DivInsidePage').css('width', '350'); jQuery('#DivInsidePage .Preview2').css('margin-top', 0); if ( tracer.text != undefined ) { jQuery('#dvInsideText').css('top', tracer.text.top).css('left', tracer.text.left); } } //jQuery('#DivFrontPage').css('background-image', 'url(' + imgTemplateUrl + ')'); //jQuery('#DivFrontPage').css('background-color', 'Gray'); */ // jQuery('#DivFrontPage').html(jQuery('#Preview1').html()); // jQuery('#DivFrontPage .DivPreviewEffect').attr('id', 'DivImgPreview').html(''); // jQuery('#DivFrontPage .Preview1').css('margin-top', 0); // jQuery('#DivInsidePage').css('height',insidePageTemplateHeight); // jQuery('#DivInsidePage').css('width',insidePageTemplateWidth); //jQuery('#DivInsidePage').css('background-image', 'url(' + imgInsideTemplateUrl + ')'); $DivImgPreview = jQuery('#picture0 .thumb'); /* var dvImgPreviewHeight = 0; var dvImgPreviewWidth = 0; if ( tracer.orientation != "landscape" ) { dvImgPreviewHeight = tracer.previewLong; dvImgPreviewWidth = tracer.previewShort; dvImgPreviewX = product_var.portraitActionWindowMarginX; dvImgPreviewY = product_var.portraitActionWindowMarginY; } else { dvImgPreviewHeight = tracer.previewShort; dvImgPreviewWidth = tracer.previewLong; dvImgPreviewX = product_var.landscapeActionWindowMarginX; dvImgPreviewY = product_var.landscapeActionWindowMarginY; } $DivImgPreview.css('height', dvImgPreviewHeight+"px"); $DivImgPreview.css('width', dvImgPreviewWidth+"px"); // $DivImgPreview.css('top','144px'); // TODO // $DivImgPreview.css('left','300px'); // TODO if (tracer.showJqueryPreviewer == "true") { $DivImgPreview.css('top', dvImgPreviewY + 'px'); $DivImgPreview.css('left', dvImgPreviewX + 'px'); } */ if (tracer.type == "2FLIP") { imgData0 = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(tracer.pictures.picture0.preview)); imgData1 = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(tracer.pictures.picture1.preview)); $DivImgPreview.crossSlide({ fade: 1 },[{src: root + "/static/uploadify/crop.php?file="+imgData0, to: '50% 50% 1x', from: '50% 50% 1x', time: 1.4 },{ src: root+ "/static/uploadify/crop.php?file="+imgData1, to: '50% 50% 1x', from: '50% 50% 1x', time: 1.4 }] ); } else if (tracer.type == "3FLIP") { imgData0 = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(tracer.pictures.picture0.preview)); imgData1 = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(tracer.pictures.picture1.preview)); imgData2 = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(tracer.pictures.picture2.preview)); $DivImgPreview.crossSlide({ fade: 1 },[{ src: root + "/static/uploadify/crop.php?file="+imgData0, to: '50% 50% 1x', from: '50% 50% 1x', time: 1.4 },{ src: root + "/static/uploadify/crop.php?file="+imgData1, to: '50% 50% 1x', from: '50% 50% 1x', time: 1.4 },{ src: root + "/static/uploadify/crop.php?file="+imgData2, to: '50% 50% 1x', from: '50% 50% 1x', time: 1.4 }] ); } else if (tracer.type == "2ZOOM") { imgData0 = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(tracer.pictures.picture0.preview)); imgData1 = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(tracer.pictures.picture1.preview)); $DivImgPreview.crossSlide({ fade: 1 },[{ src: root + "/static/uploadify/crop.php?file="+imgData0, from: '50% 50% 1x', to: '50% 50% 1.5x', time: 0.4 },{ src: root + "/static/uploadify/crop.php?file="+imgData1, to: '50% 50% 1x', from: '50% 50% 1x', time: 0.4 },{ src: root + "/static/uploadify/crop.php?file="+imgData0, from: '50% 50% 1.5x', to: '50% 50% 1x', time: 0.4 },{ src: root + "/static/uploadify/crop.php?file="+imgData1, to: '50% 50% 1x', from: '50% 50% 1x', time: 0.4 }] ); } else if (tracer.type == "ZOOM") { var image_width, image_height; jQuery('#productOverlay').hide(); jQuery('#loading').show(); jQuery('#picture0').append(""); if ( tracer.orientation == "landscape" ) { image_width = tracer.previewLong; image_height = tracer.previewShort; } else { image_width = tracer.previewShort; image_height = tracer.previewLong; } var fromX = tracer.pictures['picture0'].selection.x1 / image_width; var fromY = tracer.pictures['picture0'].selection.y1 / image_height; var new_ratio = image_width / tracer.pictures['picture0'].selection.width; var new_width = image_width*new_ratio; var new_height = image_height*new_ratio; animation = setInterval(function(){ zoomEffect(image_width, image_height, new_width, new_height,fromX,fromY); }, 6000); } } jQuery("#steps li.previeww").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); JQueryPreview(tracer, "previeww"); }); function zoomEffect(image_width, image_height, width, height, offsetX, offsetY) { jQuery('#previewImg1').show(); jQuery('#dvView').hide(); jQuery('#loading').hide(); jQuery('#productOverlay').show(); jQuery('#previewImg1').css({'width':image_width, 'height':image_height,'top':0,'left':0}); jQuery('#previewImg1').delay(1000).animate({'width':width, 'height':height,'top':-1*offsetY*height,'left':-1*offsetX*width}, 2000).delay(1000).animate({'width':image_width, 'height':image_height,'top':0,'left':0}, 2000); } /** function for handling uploads. **/ function handleUpload(index) { jQuery("#file_uploader_overlay").show().css('left', (window.innerWidth - 715) / 2); jQuery('#file_upload-queue').html(''); //if browser is IE, we will use uploadify plug-in to upload images. due to uploadifve doesn't support IE at the time. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) { if (jQuery('#uploadify-file_upload').length > 0) { jQuery('#file_upload').uploadify('destroy'); } jQuery('#file_upload').uploadify({ 'swf': '/js/uploadify/uploadify.swf', 'uploader': '/static/uploadify/uploadify.php', 'fileDesc': 'Image Files', 'multi': false, 'removeCompleted': true, 'fileExt': '*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png', 'buttonText': "Upload Photo", 'buttonClass' : 'secondaryButton', //'formData': { 'userId': jQuery('#userId').val(), 'imageId': requestor, 'productId': jQuery('#productId').val() }, 'onUploadSuccess': function (file, response) { data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); if (data.filesize > 0) { AddToGallery( JSON.parse(response)); if( t.wizard.pictureAdd(data.id,index) ) { jQuery("#file_uploader_overlay").hide(); } } else { jQuery("#error_message_overlay p.error_message").html(data.ErrorMessage); //jQuery("#error_message_overlay").dialog("open") } } }); } //anything else will use uploadifive. else { if (jQuery('#uploadifive-file_upload').length > 0) { jQuery('#file_upload').uploadifive('destroy'); } jQuery('#file_upload').uploadifive({ 'uploadScript': '/static/uploadify/uploadify.php?time='+new Date().getTime(), 'fileDesc': 'Image Files', 'removeCompleted': true, 'fileExt': '*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png', 'buttonText': "Upload Photo", 'multi': false, 'buttonClass' : 'secondaryButton', 'onUploadComplete': function (file, response) { data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); if (data.filesize > 0) { AddToGallery( JSON.parse(response)); if( t.wizard.pictureAdd(data.id,index) ) { jQuery("#file_uploader_overlay").hide(); } } else { jQuery("#error_message_overlay p.error_message").html(data.ErrorMessage); //jQuery("#error_message_overlay").dialog("open") } } }); } //select an image from gallery overlay. jQuery('.select_btn', '#gallery_overlay').click( function () { jQuery.ajax({ url: '/Product/Builder/SelectMedia', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { "Path": jQuery(this).attr('path'), 'imageId': requestor, 'productId': jQuery('#productId').val() }, success: function (data) { if (data.filesize > 0) { postUploadUIUpdate(data.File, requestor); } else { jQuery("#error_message_overlay p.error_message").html(data.ErrorMessage); //jQuery("#error_message_overlay").dialog("open") } } }); return false; }) if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1) { jQuery(".uploadifive-button input[type=file]:last").css("left", "-275px"); } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Macintosh") != -1) { jQuery(".uploadifive-button input[type=file]:last").css({ "left": "-230px", "top": "0px" }); } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) { jQuery(".uploadifive-button input[type=file]:last").css({ "left": "-175px", "top": "0px" }); } return false; } /* END */